What do you do with two boys home sick that want to be outside, but it's raining? Well, probably lots of things, but we decided to make play-doh. Pretty easy, but the first recipe I made was too sticky. I searched for the
best play-doh recipe and found this. Perfect.

My boys-ages 3 and 5 enjoy helping me in the kitchen. They measured and poured all the ingredients. They couldn't help me stir on the stovetop, but enjoyed kneading the food coloring into the dough.
4 cups flour
1 cup salt
4 cups water
4 tablespoons oil
1/2 cup cream of tartar
Mix all ingredients in a sauce pan. Cook and stir over low/medium heat until play dough is completely formed and no longer sticky. Allow to cool slightly before storing in an air tight container or zip lock bag.
I added food coloring and kneaded it all together. It's great and my two boys have been quiet for about 30 minutes!

I had planned on painting today, but I don't think it's going to work out with both boys being home with me today. The deadline for 24 works of Art on paper is looming and I'm not sure that I'll have 3 entries finished.
Other OVAC News, They had our first committee meeting for 12x12 the other night and it is a great crew. It is my 6th year for this event and I am pumped about this year. Location still up in the air, but the date is set for Sept 26. Mark it on your calendars now! Also, think about being a sponsor this year. The lowest sponsorship is only $144!
My brooch class at the Museum was great. It was a rainy day, so we were short a few kiddos, but we still had plenty of fun. First we read Mommy Mine-a short simple funny book and talked about our Moms. Kids shared stories and we went to the 2nd floor of the museum to find things Mom would like. We found flowers, hats, jewelry, tea pots, food, gardens, beaches...etc. Back in the classroom we got busy with our felt and embellishments. I had every intention of taking a few pics, but we were just so busy, I didn't get any. After we finished our brooches, we made a card and pinned our brooches inside. The kids got so colorful with their card creations, I really wish I had pictures to share. Oh well. Next time!
Have a creative day!