Sunday, November 8, 2009

Turkey Sculptures


Gobble Gobble! We had a blast creating 3-D turkeys in my Little Gobblers class that was for ages 3-5 years old. It was a full class and we got busy right away.

We began by reading this funny book, 10 Fat Turkeys by Tony Johnson. The kids really LOVED this book!

I had turkey bodies prepared and ready for the kids to decorate. I hot glued a medium sized styrofoam ball to a small plate. Then used a small craft stick to attach a small styrofoam ball to make the turkey head.

I gave the kids a few basics to start applying to their bodies. I cut felt triangles, set out feathers and pom poms. Then to help encourage the kids to make choices, I let them go through a line with an empty plate to choose buttons, pipe cleaners, beads and more for their creations.

Here are a few more of our turkeys. Shame my camera ran out of room, they were all great. One even has glasses!






You will need:
-paper plate
-medium styrofoam ball
-small styrofoam ball
-hot glue (for adult to glue turkey body)
-small craft stick
-craft glue for children
-google eyes
-felt pieces
-pom poms, beads, sticky back foam, feathers, papers, pipe cleaners, etc.

***note- I think if I do this again, I will pre-paint the styrofoam brown. It would probably take a while to dry, so I am not sure how much time you would need. :) I will do this with my boys this week and try it. I will update!


  1. What fun - I am definitely adding this to our list of things to do this month. Thanks! :)

  2. Those are really fun and so free-form creative, I'm out to get us some balls!

  3. Haha This so cute!! I'm gonna try this with my class. I cant find my glue gun I wonder if there's another way to hold the foam ball in place?

  4. thanks everyone. If I do this again, or if I had more class time I think I might paint the styrofoam brown first-just a thought. (my classes are only a one time hour long session-about 20 minutes of which is dedicated to the actual art/craft) The white peeking through bothered me a bit.

    Sarah, any other glue would probably hold, but it will take a lot longer to dry and I would be afraid the ball might roll around on ya. I would at least use a crafters glue before school glue. Good luck!

  5. Erin.. I am Thankful for what you do! You are such a wonderful example for the kids.

  6. lol I love these I bet they were great fun to make :)

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