Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Go van Gogh


Happy Birthday Vincent van Gogh! You crazy Dutch post-impressionist! You were a pioneer for the modern art movement and you had no idea how your works of art would be enjoyed for so many years to come!

Although van Gogh was known for his use of vibrant colors, in this toddler class I decided to go pastel for Easter bunny fun. These works are in celebration of van Gogh, not representational of his work. It was a lot of fun for the kids.

We talked a little about van Gogh and read a fun book, Trucks Go. This book is filled with fun sound effects that all the kids enjoyed.
We discussed our museum manners and were off to visit the galleries. Back in the classroom we used things that "go" to cover our paper!

First we used brayers. This just doesn't get old. Kids love rolling paint! Then I had a bucket of cars, trucks and more to roll through paint and on to our paper. Find some wheels with different track marks. That means more fun.


Pick some different colors and let loose!

Wouldn't these be fun cut out as easter eggs? yes!


You will need:
-paper. Heavier is best for the little ones as they will roll through thin paper.
-tape to make the paper stay put for the rolling frenzy
-paint whatever colors you have
-things that "GO!"

Here are some of our works. Start your engines! VROOM!







  1. What a neat idea, love it!
    Maybe when the boys are here we can try this with Cleo!

  2. This is awesome! Definitely one of the most fun classes. :)

  3. That looks like a lot of fun. (so what store is the kitty from? maybe we have that store around here! I'm envious)
