Happy Thanksgiving! I had a wonderful time at the OKCMOA's Tiny Tuesday program this month sharing my fun turkey project with children ages 2-5.
Each child began with a piece of orange tag board. Then they went through the assembly line to get all the pieces.
I pre-cut the turkey body, heads and feathers. The idea with the turkey was to match the color of our turkey paper with the color of our embellishments. For example, kids glued yellow pom poms, real feathers, buttons and jewels on the yellow paper feather.
First we glued our turkey bodies on our paper.
Then we glued our feather and legs and began to add our embellishments. Then they could add crayon to really customize their turkeys.
Even my boys got to come with me since they were out of school. They were great helpers!
Everyone had a lot of fun with this color matching turkey adventure! Here are some of our finished pieces. Happy Thanksgiving!
You will need:
-card stock in variety of colors
-feathers, beans, beads, pom poms, jewels, sequins, buttons and more.
-glue stick
-elmer's glue