This was a class for ages 3-5 years old. With a little direction, they produced wonderful pieces!
First we learned a little about Cezanne and what a still life is. They thought it was funny that artists often used what was around them, even things from their ice box, or shoes from their closet as subject matter for paintings.
We read a funny book called, Orange Pear Apple Bear by Emily Gravett.

I set up a white bowl filled with oranges on blue fabric at the center of the table.
Supplies were:
-limited paint palette
-3 brushes (I used 3 as a time saver)
-still life
I first had the kids establish a grounding point for the bowl by drawing a line from left to right across their papers.
Then they studied the shape of the bowl and drew it along with the oranges. We filled in our background using blue for the cloth (blow the line) and tan for above the line. At this point we took a break to let this step dry and visit the exhibit.
On our return we painted our bowls and oranges, adding a few highlights to complete our works!