Seems like everyone does these in one fashion or another. I really tried to have the children create their own personalized snowman. Noses don't have to be orange, etc. This might be the artist in me rather than an educator. There was one thing at the workshop last night that I didn't agree with and that is templates. I don't want to give the kids all the same pre-cut shapes and say, glue these in this way. I like to see them create something uniquely theirs. This also might be easy for me since I deal with small classes. What do you think about templates?
I began the class with a story and we looked at snowmen in different books. In the gallery we studied portraits and got ideas of different things for our snowmen to wear. I know, this is reaching but the Museum just doesn't have any snowmen in the galleries! :) Back in the class we talked about collage. I had examples from different artists, Bearden, Matisse and book authors they recognize Carle, Ehlert and Lionni. The kids were excited to begin. One girl saw "princesses" in the museum and could not wait to make a snow princess!
I gave everyone a blue background, white paper and had them cut out circles. Then I had an assembly line of embellishments for them to choose from. I gave them a plate and had them pick things out to take back to their workstation. We had paper, buttons, felt, fabric, feather, sequins and foam to personalize our snowmen.
You will need:
-18x12 blue construction paper
-white paper
-scrap paper in different colors
The kids got busy and here are some of their fantastic creations!