Saturday, April 17, 2010

Marble Rolling Abstract Art


It was a rainy day today but that did not keep my little artists away from the OKCMOA! Two back-to- back classes filled with toddlers ages 15-36 months old came in to create with me this morning.

We gathered around to read Mouse Paint and talked about color and friendships.

Our focus today was abstract expressionism. Abstract Expressionism is non-representational work in which an artist expresses themselves through form and color. This style was typically broken up into two areas, action painters and color field painters. We were all about action today.


The friendship part came into our discussion through the artists Alfonso Ossorio and Jackson Pollock. I talked about Pollock because almost everyone seems to know his work. I can then relate and tell a story about how Pollock's work related to and influenced Ossorio. We viewed Ossorio from our collection today and visited our 3rd floor galleries to view other action style paintings. (my classes are parent/child so I try to incorporate information for everyone!)

Friendships also occur between colors. Placing certain colors next to each other creates a certain mood, a feeling-whether good or bad! We can also mix our colors to create new friends and it is so much fun. We found all of our colors in the galleries and children get excited to see shapes and share their new knowledge with their parents and myself.


At our work table I had stations set up with paper taped in foil cake pans-deeper pans are better. Then I had three small bowls with paint and a small bowl with marbles. We dipped marbles in the paint and dropped them into our pans. By shaking our pans our marbles rolled all around! We had lots of shaking, lots of action today!




To finish our pieces we placed our painted works on a piece of black construction paper. This made our artwork looked matted and they are definitely ready to frame. I hope you enjoy this not so new but fun project.



You will need:
-foil pans
-white paper
-paint (I used blue, yellow and red tempera paints)
-black construction paper
-glue stick




andrea gardiner freeman said...

I love mouse paint. One of my favorite primary/secondary color lesson books. ;o)

I also love the marble painting. Beautiful compositions and "new" color discovery!

Magnets and magnet balls are also super fun (i am sure you know)
I have taught a little bit of art with the younger ones and always stress process over product. A scientific approach to art :).
I love your projects. They are inspiring and inspired.

thanks for sharing.

Deborah Stewart said...

I love mouse paint too and those paintings turned out gorgeous!!

Erin Laughpaintcreate said...

Thanks to both of you for your comments. Andrea, I have not used magnets and balls! I will have to try it. I am actually working on a post that discusses process over product and hope to share it this week. I totally agree. have a great weekend and thanks for leaving me comments!


Mrs. Art Teacher said...

Thanks for reminding me of this project. I am having my kinders focus on modern art and primary colors this month and this is a perfect addition. Have you read the book "Action Jackson"? It is a great kids book about Pollock. Probably a bit long for pre-k but it has fun illustrations of him working that I like to show the little ones.

Erin Laughpaintcreate said...

Suzanne, yes I have seen that book! I have read it to my Pre-K'ers before(I did leave some of it out-it IS long!) but did not read it to the toddler class. It probably would have been good to sit out anyway so they could look. I will have to remember that next time.

Thanks for stopping by! :)


Aimeé said...

Another Mouse Paint fan, here! And what a fun project! I'll be doing this one soon, and will link you when I do! Thanks!

The Artful Parent said...

You've made me want to try marble rolling again, soon! When we did it we used round pie pans and paper cut to fit. I'd like to do it with bigger paper and bigger pans the way you did.

Scott said...

Love marble painting. The last time we did it we used an oatmeal box. Place paper around sides of the box, drop in paint-covered marbles, put on lid. Then ask two children to roll the oatmeal box back and forth. Great "partner" activity. (Of course, make 2 so each child can have a painting.)

Anonymous said...

Leave it up to the professionals.We offer fair prices on
marble floor polishing so you don’t have to do it yourself.

Anonymous said...

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marble paintings said...

marble painting is an art Thats amzing ..